Phase 2: Corrective Care

Many chiropractors believe that simply relieving symptoms is just the start of a person's care. If the chiropractor only focuses on reducing pain and stops there, the chances of the condition coming back are much higher. To prevent symptoms from returning quickly, it's important to keep receiving care even after your symptoms disappear.

During the corrective or restorative phase of your care, you won't need adjustments as often as in the beginning. Depending on your situation, you may start doing exercises and stretches either at the clinic or at home to help speed up your healing process.

Don't worry if your symptoms flare up occasionally during this phase—it's normal. These flare-ups happen because your body hasn't fully healed yet. Depending on how severe your injury or condition is and how long you've had it, this phase of your care could last anywhere from a few months to a couple of years.

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